Ji-Min Jeong. | 지민 정

DC Comics OC.

Well, baby, I'm a put on-a-show kind of girl

Details & Stuff.

Name: Ji-Min Jeong.
Superhero alias: Amplifier.
Species: Meta-Human.
Place of Birth: Seoul, South Korea.
Place of Residence: Los Caídos, CA, USA.
Occupation: Superhero. Member of the K-Pop group: SONIK.
Sexual orientation: Bisexual.
Voice and face claim: Seraphine (League of Legends)

What she's like, like.

Ji-Min loves to be the center of attention, often announcing her arrival with little tact and a lot of bombast. But this doesn't take away from the fact that she sees it as her duty to help others, she just wants to have fun along the way.She looks up greatly to other heroes, especially those who are affiliated with the Justice League. Now that she's a member of the league Ji-Min struggles with feelings of inadequacy.


Ji-Min is the daughter of two brilliant Korean scientists, her father Ha-Jun and her mother Nari.


group members:
- Ji-Min
- Hyeon
- Juni
- Hei-Ryung

Ji-Min Jeong was born in Seoul. While one would wish to hear stories of a happy and healthy baby, in Ji-Min's case this was unfortunately not true. She was born ill. Luckily her parents were brilliant geneticists with a newfound purpose: to cure their sickly daughter. While keeping her alive didn't pose too big a challenge, the first five years of Ji-Min's life were spent in isolation, under a constant watchful eye. That was until her parents had made a breakthrough. A form of experimental gene-therapy, using donated meta-genes. Controversial, sure. But what parent wouldn't want to save their child? After discussing it with their daughter (who was too young to understand all of it, of course, but she understood the risks) they went to work.By the time Ji-Min had turned 6 her body had been in full recovery; she was gaining weight and catching up on all the growing she had missed. In what felt like no time at all she was healthy and normal. Well, 'normal'? She could control sound, shoot vibrations and lift a car with just her hands.She was taught to keep these powers a secret. Throughout her years in school Ji-Min made many friends, with a few of which she had dreams of forming a K-Pop group. Unfortunately these dreams had to be put on hold when her parents were given a job offer by a genetics lab in the United States. They moved and brought their daughter with them. Upon arriving in America she was instructed to call herself Marina, one of the names she could choose from, to help herself fit in better in this new nation. Luckily her powers included being very quick on learning new languages. They moved into the Californian city of Los Caídos.Ji-Min eventually went to the Los Caídos University where she got a PhD in Asian Studies. By the time she was an adult she traveled back to South Korea often, where she got back in contact with her childhood friends. As they had dreamed of they started a K-Pop group, and before they knew it the women had reached international fame. It was difficult to keep a group running when one lived in an entirely different continent, but they found a way to make it work. More importantly, thanks to the limited recording time Ji-Min managed to keep focused. She only had one chance to get it right before she had to go back home after all.And boy, was it busy back home. Unbeknownst to anyone but her parents Ji-Min had become a superhero! Amplifier; the sound controlling (vibrations, but whatever, sound is cooler) heroine of LC. She had looked up to people all the time. Her parents, for wanting to use their intellect to better the world. To Wonder Woman, who used her godly strength to help others. Ji-Min wanted to be like that. She had to be like that.Now, not everyone likes Amplifier as much. There will always be dissenters. "She's dangerous", "That's what we have the police for".Later she got in contact with Wonder Woman as Amplifier, who offered her a spot in the Justice League. Of course Ji-Min said yes.

It's all in the genes.

Powers and abilities.

What is listed below is a shortened representation of what Ji-Min can do, it are the skills and powers that she uses the most. For a full list of her capabilities you can check out these links: Sonokinesis / Omnisound / God mode

What makes her cooler than you.

Meta-human DNA: Ji-Min was given enhanced human capabilities, these include:
- Increased physical strength.
- Hypersensitive hearing.
- Able to produce, absorb and manipulate sound in its finest details.
- Vibrokinesis, Ji-Min can control vibrations (which is how she manipulates and creates sound, since that's KIND OF the same thing and if it isn't you can bite me cause I said it is.)
- Omnilingual: any language that Marina comes in contact with will be learned almost instantly, this includes alien languages.

And what makes her like, extra cool.

With her powers Ji-Min can be quite adaptable.
- Using successive bursts from her hands Ji-Min has learned to fly.
- By manipulating vibrations she can create crude constructs, this usually comes in the form of a barrier to block incoming bullets. This will never be as efficient or impressive as a Lantern's, but it can get the job done in a pinch.
- Ji-Min can enhance her abilities and powers by absorbing more sound, but the more power she uses the more energy it costs. If she doesn't consistently add to her resources she will pass out.
- With the use of vibrations Ji-Min can stimulate cells to speed up their healing processes. She cannot heal wounds that would not be able to be healed naturally. For example: she can't cure death or reattach limbs. I know technically she'd need to drink more water and eat more proteins because those are used in the healing process but shut up we're having fun.


This gets its own subsection because this form of her power is pretty overpowered, and it will not often be used. You could see this as a God-mode.If Ji-Min absorbs enough sonokinetic energy she'll enter a state of being called "omnisound" or "ultimate sonics". In this state she can manipulate vibrations and sounds beyond the limitations set by nature, and this comes with extreme risks.For more info, see this: Omnisound

Los Caídos, in RP often referred to as LC, is a city much like Los Angeles. It is located on the Californian coast, and it's Marina's base of operations.I would appreciate it if, in RPs, you contact me beforehand if you plan to do something to the city. Other than that you're free to say your character is there, lives there, et cetera.The existence of this city may conflict with canon but I am uncomfortable writing about events in a city that I am unfamiliar with and where real things can happen. In a fictional city it is simply easier for me to say a bomb went off.

The big ones.

Noise: Noise was a man who fashioned himself to be the true hero of Los Caídos when he gained his light-manipulation abilities. How he got these, or what his name is, are still not known. In the years he spent trying to make himself a better hero the spotlight 'got stolen' by Amplifier. If he couldn't be a hero, he'd get his fame by destroying Amplifier.High Society: [redacted]The Cult of Aoide: A group of cultists who want to bring back a timeline they believe once existed, where the goddess Aoide ruled fairly over all. Of course they'll kill just about anyone to reach their goal.

The fillers.

Buckwild: half man, half robot kangaroo, all problems.
The Mosquito: A real pain in the neck, bzz bzz bzz.
Road Rage: a gang of Mad Max style street racers, with little regards for safety.
Major Laser: Former army general turned laser weapon afficionado.